
Natasha Krestinina, Office Manager

Natasha joined the firm in 1997 as a Legal Assistant, but her natural business and marketing sense found their application as she progressively took over general management of the firm. Throughout her legal career, Natasha’s ongoing interest in continuing her legal and management education has equipped her to oversee the firm’s marketing, technology, human resources, financial and facilities management.

Natasha completed undergraduate studies at Odessa Music College and continued her education in the field of teaching at Odessa Pedagogical Institute (Odessa University). She is a member of the Toronto Law Office Management Association and is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian.

Natasha works closely with a senior member of the management team of the firm since 2006 – our Security, Health and Public Relations Manager, Mishka.

Away from work Natasha enjoys time away at the cottage, music, reading and biking.