The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld the Ontario Superior Court of Justice’s decision in GasTOPS Ltd. v. Forsyth (“GasTOPS”) awarding the Employer damages in the amount of $12,306,495.00, plus pre-judgment interest of $3,039,944.00 and costs of $4,252,920.24.
Read More...Ron Minken spoke to attendees in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. on the topic “Doing Business in Canada – Employment Law Essentials”. In this presenta Read More...
Harassment continues to be a hot topic in the contemporary workplace. What is it and how is it regulated?
Statutory minimums provide only the legal minimums for the amount of notice an employee receives upon termination. Because common law often provides f Read More...
A "termination package" often uses the terms "notice” and "severance" interchangeably. But these terms under Canadian employment law are technically Read More...