Disconnecting from Work
March 29, 2022

Employers with 25 or more employees as of January 1 of any year must have a written policy in place for employees with respect to disconnecting from work.

Rapid COVID-19 Testing

Mandatory Rapid COVID-19 Testing Policy – Upheld by Arbitrator

July 22, 2021

An arbitrator found that a Mandatory Rapid COVID-19 Testing Screening Program (Policy) was reasonable, and upheld the mandatory policy.

Body Art

Summer is Here – Body Art at the Workplace: Employer and Employee Rights

June 22, 2020

We used to be puzzled over the matter of dress codes at work. Now, the often fraught matter of appearance at work must consider “body art” as well Read More...

The Right to Disconnect – Is There One?

April 16, 2020

The days of clocking out at 5pm are gone. With virtually everyone owning some kind of Smartphone, employers and employees are rarely ever off-duty.