“Mr. Minken, you are an excellent ambassador to your profession.” – L.P.
Law Firm
“Minken has produced favourable results for our firm in every case that they have handled for us. Ron’s advice in handling various employment matters has resulted in substantial financial savings to our firm. Minken truly goes the “extra mile” in providing superior service.”
Executive Termination Settlement avoiding Litigation
“Your efforts and expertise have significantly increased the overall value of the settlement provided to me. Your involvement not only increased the monetary value of the settlement but also served to ensure that several other issues, both monetary and otherwise, were resolved, without dispute, to my satisfaction.” -B.R.
Employment Contract Review – Director of Finances
“I would like to thank Mr. Minken for his help in reviewing my employment contract. I found that he was very informative in providing me with his expert knowledge on matters pertaining to my situation and advising me appropriately. I found that he went above and beyond what I expected, and I greatly appreciate his help. I would highly recommend his services to other people and have already done so.” -G.L.
Law Society of Upper Canada
“We invited Ron Minken to present at a Law Society of Upper Canada program…geared towards lawyers in the employment law field, and so, when selecting faculty, we tend to favour lawyers who are well-thought of in the bar and who are known to be effective speakers. Ron is no exception.” – Christine M. Thomlinson, Rubin Thomlinson LLP
UK Chamber of Commerce Presentation
“I very much enjoyed Ronald’s professional presentation at the Canada-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce in London (in June 2011). It was incredibly helpful to hear the views of a respected Canadian employment law expert presenting in a friendly and engaging manner.” – Bargate Murray Solicitors (London, UK)
Canadian HR Reporter, CELT, Thomson Reuters (Legal Publisher)
“Ron has always impressed us with his knowledge of current and critical legal issues for employers.” – Todd Humber, Managing Editor, Canadian HR Reporter, CELT, Thomson Reuters (Legal Publisher)
Charles B Ticker Law Office
“I recently referred a client who needed representation in a wrongful dismissal matter. The client was so pleased with Ron’s services that he sent me a personal note of gratitude for introducing him to Ron. Not only did Ron do a great job in getting the case settled, but he made me look good for making the referral!” – Charles Ticker, Estate Litigator and Mediator.