
Are there Ticks in Your Workplace?

Written by on July 24, 2012 in Employment Law Blog
Outdoor worker and Tick

Outdoor workers in Ontario need to be more careful and must protect themselves as blacklegged ticks that transmit Lyme disease are being discovered in more areas throughout the province.


For more details, visit the Ontario Ministry of Labour.


  • Know your rights as an employee
  • Protect your body by wearing light-coloured clothing with long sleeve shirts and pants, socks and closed footwear. If possible wear a hat.
  • Apply insect (tick) repellent that contains 20 to 30% “DEET” to your exposed skin and outer clothing.
  • If possible, avoid areas that are overly bushy or that have long grass.
  • After working outdoors, immediately complete a total body inspection for ticks followed by a shower.
  • Inspect all equipment or gear for ticks.
  • Put personal protective clothing in the dryer on high heat for one hour to kill any ticks.
  • When handling dead animals always wear protective gloves.
  • Report any ticks to your employer.

For more details, visit the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

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