
New Deadline for Employers – Post or be Penalized

Written by on September 18, 2012 in Employment Law Blog
Ministry of Labour Health & Safety at Work Poster

As of October 1, 2012, Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that all employers post its new workplace poster “Health & Safety at Work – Prevention Starts Here” in a visible area, along with the Act and any other explanatory material prepared by the Ministry of Labour (MOL).

The poster, which is available in multiple languages, educates and reminds both employees and employers of their health and safety rights and responsibilities to ensure a safe workplace.


In March of 2010, an Expert Advisory Panel was appointed by the MOL to review Ontario’s occupational health and safety procedures. Working with various stakeholders across the province, the Panel found that many workers had little or no knowledge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Therefore, the Panel recommended as high priority that the MOL “create a health and safety poster that explains the key rights and responsibilities of the workplace parties, including how to obtain additional health and safety information and how to contact a Ministry of Labour inspector. It should be mandatory to post this in the workplace.”

On December 16, 2010, the Minister accepted the Panel’s report and worked with public consultation to develop the poster.


  • Educate workers about workplace hazards and dangers by providing information, instruction and supervision on how to work in a safe manner
  • Ensure all supervisors are aware of what is required to protect and encourage the health and safety of each worker
  • Create and adhere to workplace health and safety policies
  • Make certain that all employees and supervisors obey the law and all workplace health and safety policies
  • Ensure that all workers wear and use the correct protective equipment
  • Do everything reasonable to protect all workers from injury or getting a work-related illness


  • Obey the law and all workplace health and safety policies
  • Always wear and use the correct protective equipment required by the employer
  • Work and act in a safe manner that won’t hurt yourself or anyone else
  • Report all hazards and injuries to your supervisor

For more details, visit the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

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