Beginning this month, Ontario’s new Youth Employment Fund will help more young people find jobs by helping employers to offer job and training placements for young people needing work and workplace experience.
Under the fund, Ontario will invest $195 million over two years and provide up to $7,800 to cover a range of supports and services for each eligible young worker. This will include up to $6,800 to help employers cover wages and training costs for the four-to six-month job placements, and up to $1,000 to assist young workers to pay for job-related costs like tools and transportation to work. As part of its objective, the fund will especially focus on helping youth facing multiple barriers to employment and youth who are living in high needs communities, including Aboriginal youth, recent immigrants, visible minorities, youth with disabilities, rural and northern youth, and youth leaving care or on social assistance.
The Youth Employment Fund is part of the Ontario government’s new Youth Jobs Strategy, which will help more young people find jobs or start their own businesses, and provide employers with the skilled workers they need to grow their businesses and thrive in the global economy.
Criteria for an eligible business:
- Licensed to operate in Ontario
- Compliant with legislation (health and safety, employment standards, etc.)
- Provide job placements of four to six months in Ontario, and be covered by safety insurance
- Provide job placements that do not displace current or laid-off employees.
Criteria for an eligible youth:
- A resident of Ontario
- Between 15 and 29 years old
- Unemployed
- Must not be in school full-time to apply for the program
Eligible businesses and youth will be able to access this new resource through Employment Ontario or through their local employment service providers.
For more details, visit the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
For further information on working in Canada, visit our Service Canada summary page.