Published article by Ronald Minken and Tanya Sambi, December 2024: “Due diligence defence for employers: lessons from R v. Greater Sudbury”.
Read More...Canadian HR Reporter published an article by Ronald Minken and Tanya Sambi, July 2024: “Ontario's Bill 149: Key changes impacting employers and work Read More...
Canadian HR Reporter published an online article by Ronald Minken, June 2024: “Suspended, unvaccinated Canada Post employees win grievance”.
Canadian HR Reporter published an online article by Ron Minken, May 2024: “Understanding Ontario Court of Appeal's ruling on fixed-term contracts” Read More...
Canadian HR Reporter Webinar: Ron Minken and Tanya Sambi, October 2023: Should employers try to prevent workplace romances?
Ron Minken and Tanya Sambi interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter TV, September 14, 2023: "Workplace Romances and the Consequences"
Ronald Minken interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter, May 17, 2023: “Will CPP enhancement lead to 'astronomical' costs for employers?”
Ron Minken interviewed by Canadian HR Reporter, April 17, 2023: "Constructive Dismissal Post COVID-19 – Pitfalls for Employers to Avoid"