Even in this developed nation with laws governing employment and labour, shocking abuses still occur. One of the most common areas of exploitation is Read More...
In this day and age of employee rights, employers playing hardball with dismissed employees is still not uncommon. One long-time employee who later be Read More...
An employee who has been continuously employed for three months or more in an indefinite employment contract is statutorily entitled to a minimum amou Read More...
A recent decision in Nova Scotia illustrate that duties which may exist during the employment relationship do not necessarily end on the day of termin Read More...
Statutory minimums provide only the legal minimums for the amount of notice an employee receives upon termination. Because common law often provides f Read More...
An employee receives notice from his employer that his employment will be ending. Before the termination date, the employee hands in his retirement no Read More...
Greenhawk Harness & Equestrian Supplies, faces a lawsuit filed by two employees whose dismissal coincided with the same week they both assisted police Read More...
Any employee can be terminated at almost any time, and a reason is usually only needed if the termination is for cause.