This Guide has been put together to help employers return their employees to the workplace post COVID-19.
A question many have raised is whether or not putting unvaccinated employees on an unpaid leave constituted constructive dismissal.
Landmark Decision: an employer breached the Ontario Human Rights Code when it terminated an employee who refused to comply with the vaccination policy Read More...
When determining what an employee’s common law notice entitlements are following termination of employment, Courts will consider the Bardal factors.
With the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, many Ontarians are now being asked to return to work onsite after working from home for more than two years Read More...
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Ontarians are reporting stress and burnout, and many are considering taking stress leave.
The High Court of New Zealand struck down the Government’s mandatory vaccination requirements for Police and Defence Force employees.
Some employers are wondering how workplace vaccination policies and terminations based on vaccination status have impacted the job market.