On July 20, 2010, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice found Kraft Canada to be negligent in dealing with the complaints of a worker who was the repe Read More...
On June 15, 2010, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd. wrongfully terminated the employment of Frank Naccarat Read More...
Top RCMP Commissioner, William Elliott, is the latest potential subject of workplace harassment complaints. Almost a dozen top officials in the force Read More...
Two high-ranking public servants moved forward on reform plans designed to save Public Works billions of dollars. The future looked bright. But sudden Read More...
A worker informs her employer that she’s been diagnosed with cancer and plans to work up to the day before her surgery. She assumes she’ll have a Read More...
Employment terminations are common in the modern workplace. But what constitutes wrongful dismissal in Canada?
Last summer, a survey conducted by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) revealed that 75% of employers supported the then-proposed leg Read More...
Stacey Walker, a 28-year old medical imaging technologist, claims that she was the object of sexual harassment, racial taunts and other abuses from Se Read More...