The Alberta Court has certified a class action lawsuit, allowing Alberta business owners to collectively sue the Alberta government.
Read More...Minken Employment Lawyers was thrilled to present acclaimed jazz artist Jill Barber at this year’s Markham Jazzlicious WinterFest.
Employers can protect themselves from significant liability by limiting termination entitlements to ESA minimums.
Minken Employment Lawyers is proud to sponsor York Region Food Network's 10th Annual WinterFresh.
This case raises critical issues about workplace vaccine mandates, religious accommodation, and the rights of employees.
Ontario employers need to understand their duty to investigate even when no formal complaint has been lodged.
The Convention on AI underscores the need to use AI responsibly, ensuring that AI-driven decisions do not infringe on workers’ rights.
Published article by Ronald Minken and Tanya Sambi, December 2024: “Due diligence defence for employers: lessons from R v. Greater Sudbury”.