An employee is only able to recover damages for mental distress due to the breach of a contract if it can be shown that such damages were within the r Read More...
Decisions which will alter or stray from the intention of legislation will not be allowed by the Courts.
The actions of an employer in response to an employee’s intention to resign may permit the employee to retract their resignation, thereby resulting Read More...
An employer may be found responsible for their employee’s off duty conduct if such conduct can be linked to the employer through such means as an em Read More...
An employee who has outstanding criminal charges against them prior to being terminated may be given more latitude by the Courts regarding what is con Read More...
Absent any form of deceit, an employee’s actions made on the basis of a mistaken belief regarding the terms of their employment cannot justify termi Read More...
There is no general duty prohibiting employees from competing with a former employer after their employment ends.
An employer’s decision to hire an employee based on their sex may be found to be a prima facie case of discrimination unless it can be justified tha Read More...