The Nova Scotia government continues to improve workplace safety throughout the province by working with employers and employees.
Arnone v. Best Theratronics Ltd.: After 31 years of service, a 53 year old employee was terminated without cause as part of a restructuring.
Dodge v. Signature Automotive Group Ltd. - After approximately 20 years of employment and at the age of 59, the employee was terminated without notice Read More...
Kimball v. Windsor Raceway Inc. -- What happens to an employee’s entitlement to notice in the event that the employee plans to retire and does not i Read More...
The renewal of the Foreign Qualifications Recognition funding agreement between British Columbia and the federal government will allow more skilled im Read More...
Recently the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal found the limits on chronic mental stress claims in the Workplace Safety Insurance Act to Read More...
People living in Ontario with mental health disabilities and addictions are protected against discrimination and harassment by the Ontario Human Right Read More...
As of July 1, 2014, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is in force to regulate the distribution of commercial electronic messages (CEMs) and prot Read More...