Mediation is not only recommended before trial, but is actually a mandatory step in the litigation process in Toronto. Mediation has a number of benef Read More...
Recently, Ontario’s highest court was asked to determine whether a common law tort of harassment exists. In Merrifield v. Canada (Attorney General), Read More...
Mitigation often requires the employee to try and attain another job in the period after their dismissal. The Court of Appeal’s decision in Brake v. Read More...
The Employment Standards Act, 2000 obligates employers to provide employees with severance pay under certain circumstances. “Severance pay” is com Read More...
Many believe that common law notice is calculated based on 1 month for each completed year of service. While some employees are awarded notice that ap Read More...
Can Canadians reasonably expect the text messages they send to remain private, even after the messages have reached their destination, and is the stat Read More...
Ontario employers have a duty to accommodate employees with respect to any protected ground under human rights legislation. This includes religion.
Despite pay equity and anti-discrimination laws, female workers in Ontario continue to earn less than their male peers. In an attempt to address the o Read More...